Project for free

Professionally <strong>designed bedroom</strong> in a few steps.
Professionally designed bedroom in a few steps.
Up to 3 days we will send you a proposition of units setting together with a bedroom arrangement tip.
How to start?
  • Fill in a form, give dimensions and send interior’s pictures.
    We will call you back to set project details.
    Complete a form

An arrangement proposition is an element of preparing a free sales offer for a customer. If you would like to design the bedroom by yourself, just write what units you need at

Project Express 24H

If you do not want to or cannot wait 5 working days for the finished 360 design, we can send you a project with an overhead view and 4 views on individual walls. You can see a sample project in this form below.
P.S. Remember – when choosing this variant you will not receive a 360 visualization from us.

Enter your data
Attach files

Attach a bedroom drawing with dimensions and additionally pictures of an interior

Accepted extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .webp, .png, .pdf, .odf
Choose a range
A list of units cannot be downloaded – Internet connection is lost. Try again later.
Project description
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